On your post include:

Link to website, brief description/promotion. Add a screen shot (command, shift, 4). Tell viewers what they will learn and give suggested grade levels. EXAMPLE:

http://www.picassohead.com/create.html (suggested/reviewed by KT-5B)
-------(command+shift+4= screenshot insert)-------
This site is fun and easy to use. Make your own Picasso inspired cubism portraits in seconds! Good for any age 2nd grade and up! Only down side is not very challenging. Please Rate :)

Ask for rating from your peers. We will all use the same rating system so we can determine the winner at the end.
Rate the following 1-5:
1-not really, 2 kinda, 3 sure i guess, 4 yes, 5 TOTALLY!
Fun/ Challenging
Educational Value
Has to do with art concepts
You would play this game again

Then go play and rate other people’s games. Tell people to rate yours. All ratings must be signed with initials and section to qualify and insure fairness. ex post:
3, 5, 5, 2 (KT-5B)

Check to make sure your link is not boring or difficult to get to. Don’t waste our time. Make sure the same sight is not reposted or it will be removed!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Here is a list of some sites to get you started, follow posting instructions. Have Fun!

princetonol livebinders iknowthat kids/zone artgamesonline artsology